
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dripping Springs Spooky Adventure

This morning’s running adventure takes me to a place rich in history, nature, and the supernatural. Legends abound as to the presence of ghosts of those who died in the Boyd Tuberculosis Sanatorium in Dripping Springs, New Mexico. This is sure to be a frightening adventure.

My mission today is twofold as I aim to get in a good training run for the Transmountain Challenge Half Marathon coming up and to also deliver a special item to my sister-in-law who lives in Las Cruces, NM. Because we have a baby shower next week for our expected arrival, Crew Chief Cara has given me explicit instruction to deliver madeleine pans to her sister, the master baker. I don’t even know what a madeleine pan is, but by the seriousness of the conversation (i.e. “You must deliver the pans this weekend!”) they must be very important.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Oktoberfest Night Run (9-11)


This 8K race, held on 9-11, was sponsored by the German Luftwaffe (Air Force) and Ft. Bliss Army Base in El Paso, TX. I’ll use any excuse to visit a military base because it brings back memories of my years in the US Air Force. I spent 4 of my 20 years living near Ramstein AB in Germany and took advantage of all the wonderful food, beer, and festivities Germany had to offer. Many soldiers are running today and what a better way to remember the victims of the September 11 attacks than to run with the men and women who have been fighting on their behalf for 9 years?

Over 900 runners participated in the 17th annual event including service men and women from the US, Germany, and Japan. The race was not actually held after dark which was unfortunate because it was quite warm when we ran at 6 o’clock. Pre-race activities included music by the Big Fat Dixieland Band which I gathered was made up of members of the 62nd Army Band.