
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Mt Cristo Rey Run

“Out in the West Texas town of El Paso
I fell in love with a Mexican girl.
Night-time would find me in Rosa's Cantina;
Music would play and Faleena would whirl.”
Why am I singing a Marty Robbins song? Because I’m at Rosa’s Cantina getting ready to run with Faleena. Well, not really, but instead I’m going to run with my running club, Run El Paso. We are heading up Mt Cristo Rey which has one of the largest (42ft) sculptures of Jesus on its peak. Thousands of people make the pilgrimage to the top of this 4675 ft high mountain every year.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Transmountain Challenge Half Marathon Race Report

(Oct 16, 2010)
I’m here on the west side of the Franklin Mountains getting ready to run over the pass to the east side of El Paso. 13.2 miles of up, then down. The high point is 5200 ft elevation. I just had my breakfast of Hammer Gel and chia seeds. When we start running, the sky is a nice shade of red, no wind, and a chill in the air. Perfect weather for making our way up the mountain. The first mile or so is mostly flat, but in no time we start the climb to Smugglers Gap.

I pass some acquaintances from the Run El Paso Club and I’m feeling kind of spry until I remember that they are recovering from the Odessa and St George Marathons. I stop a few times for some quick photos of the mountains. I can see Mammoth Rock in the distance. I’m able to maintain a slow running pace and am focusing on making it to the rock at the top.