
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Paddle and Pedal

Why is my alarm going off at 4:00am? Oh yeah, it’s paddle and pedal day and, as I always say, sleeping in is over rated. I’m going to paddle a five mile stretch of the Rio Grande west of El Paso and then ride my bike back to my truck. I have a lot to do this morning to make it to the river by sunup. It’s going to top 100 degrees today so I want to complete my adventure before the heat of the day. The beautiful thing about living in the dry desert is that there is a 30 degree temperature swing.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Mountain Biking the Borderland

This weekend we are spending time at the BR Ranch in far West Texas. I’m heading out on my mountain bike towards Mt Quitman. Harry, Quasi, Lucy, Sierra, Taz, and Bush (as in W) are my companions today. Bush is the neighbor rancher’s dog and he always accompanies us on our runs out here. Unfortunately I’m not back to running yet. More on that later.