
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Cruising the Neighborhood

Lately I’ve been riding a mountain bike through my neighborhood with my dogs in tow. I’m still not back to running yet, but my plantar fascia injury seems to be on the mend. I’ve also been testing my foot by taking some short walks. 

Since the recent rains many wild flowers are in bloom and I’ve enjoyed taking some pictures of some of them. Almost everyday the dogs and I ride past a church that sits on a hill and an interesting plant grows along the road there.

Stinging Serpent

Friday, August 12, 2011

Connecting with Nature

Cool, fresh, mountain air. Thunderstorms. The chilling sound of coyote yips echoing through a canyon. Lush meadows laced with wildflowers and quaking aspens.  Ahhhhhhhhhhhh…………. Cara and I are in the Lincoln National Forest in New Mexico enjoying our first camping trip with Maddie. I find it amazing that we can drive, in just a few short hours, from 100 degrees in the scrubby desert to 70 degrees in a lush forest. Our camp ground sits at 7500 ft above sea level nestled in the Bonito Canyon north of Ruidoso. (Texans proudly mispronounce the town name by saying Ree-uh-Doh-soh).

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Chia and Kefir

Superfoods. Why eat anything else? What are these super stars of the food world anyway? Nuts, seeds, berries, hot peppers, garlic, tea, tomatoes, whole grains, yogurt, leafy greens, and dark chocolate (that’s right, chocolate). The two I’m going to talk about are chia seeds and kefir. Lately, I’ve been eating better to reduce inflammation in my body and to become healthier overall. I’m trying to avoid refined sugars and unhealthy fats and increase foods high in omega 3 fatty acids.

With all this healthy eating (and exercise), I should probably live to be at least 120 years old, right? Actually, all I really want is to add life to my years; not necessarily years to my life. My goal is to feel good as long as possible.