
Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Window

Once again I’m up at zero dark thirty for another hiking adventure. This week I’m scrambling up to “The Window” near the S. Franklin Peak. If you follow my blog, you will remember that on 9-11 I trekked up S. Franklin. This morning I will start on the East side of the mountain and hike the Ron Coleman Trail to Smugglers Gap on the West Side.
First I drive up Trans Mountain road to the parking area where I will finish my hike. I lock up my bike and drop off some water. The sun’s rays are just beginning to peak around the mountains. I finish my commute and arrive at McKelligon Canyon. This is a beautiful spot in El Paso that includes an outdoor amphitheater built into the rocks. El Paso was recently named the number one “Can Do City" in the US by Newsweek Magazine and also won the award of All American City by The National Civic League in 2010.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September 11th

Sept 11, 6:00am - I turn on the news to see the twin towers crumbling. No, it’s not 2001, but 9/11/2011. The scene flashes to “O” and “W”, wives in arms, walking the perimeter of the newly dedicated 9/11 memorial. Ten years have passed since that horrific day and we are still healing. No one was left untouched by the events that unfolded that day. And so today we remember those lost, pray for those left behind, and thank those who responded.