
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Giving Thanks

Guess what I did on Black Friday. What else would the author of a running blog do but go for a run? I spent the weekend at my in-laws' ranch in West Texas and was thankful that I didn’t have to brave the crowds, violent mobs, and pepper spray all for a 10% discount on an X-Box. No mall for me.
Instead, I went running up a dirt road in one of the least populated counties in our country; Hudspeth, TX, population density: less than one person per sq mile. Deputy Sheriff: Steven Seagal.

As I ran, I had plenty of time to ponder all that I was thankful for, like the company of my 6 pack of dogs who were running with me.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Things Are Getting Better

After many months of no running, I’ve slowly been able to return to 30 minutes every other day or so. If you follow my insomnia cure referred to as Greg’s Running Adventures, you will know that I have been whining about plantar fasciitis for a year now. I’ve talked about all the exercises, stretches, ointments, therapies, shoes, inserts, diets that I care to think about.
Hopefully all that is in the past, but I will just say that I’m not 100% yet, but things are getting better. I went for a three mile trail run this morning and enjoyed some gorgeous weather and took in some nature.