
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My Year in Revew

Another year has passed and that is how long it has been since I ran a race. 2011 was humbling and challenging, but overall, a good year. I was injured at the beginning of the year, but still managed to run the Big Bend 25K trail race. Not the best decision since I probably just exacerbated my problem. 
In spite of these circumstances, I managed to frequently get outside on my mountain bike and was also able to hike some interesting trails in Dog Canyon, Alamo Mountain, and Lincoln National Forest. Here is a slideshow of some of my favorite photos from 2011:

Watch out, there's a new sheriff in town!"
Not running for months on end is a humbling experience. We often take our health for granted and this was an eye opener for me. After 20 years of running mostly injury free, I had to learn how to deal with much more time on my hands.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Running Cold

Oberammergau, Germany
Are you a fair weather runner?  Not me. I’ve been bundling up this week when I venture out for my run. How do you know what to wear when you go out? Most people check the weather forecast to see how cold it will be. After living in Texas for 7 years, I’ve figured out not to look at the temperature.
Yorktown, VA