
Friday, April 20, 2012

Run El Paso Club Tackles Baylor Pass

“Is this going to be a technical trail?”, asks Jaime. “No, I don’t think it’s all that bad.”, I foolishly reply. I suppose it’s all relative, depending on what you’re used to. To me, it’s not technical unless you have to use your hands to get where you are going. 
In the Franklin Mountains, where I frequently run, jagged ankle twisting rocks cover the trail to keep you on your toes. Today we’ll be running on loose sand like a cinder running track, with smooth rounded boulders placed willy-nilly. Occasionally there are rocks stacked up like stairs in the middle of the trail which I’ll use as an excuse to walk. What’s the hurry, I always say?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Deep in the Heart of Texas

“I don’t like jelly beans...the Easter Bunny poops them.”, says our nephew. Well OK, that seems logical to me. I really don’t know how to argue that one. I recently traveled to Central Texas on the edge of the Hill Country and was able to steal a few hours away from my family for some beautiful trail running.