
Friday, October 19, 2012

Back 2 Back Half Marathons Race Report Part 2 (Trans Mt Challenge)

“There are hills on this race?” I said to a young lady as I passed her. “You're kidding, right?”, she replied. “I thought it was flat.” That’s when she looked at me like I was crazy, because this race ascends a 5280 foot mountain pass. This past weekend I ran two half marathons in a row. (See below for Part 1). The second was the 35th annual TransMountain Challenge which ascends and descends the Franklin Mountains in El Paso, Texas.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Back 2 Back Half Marathons Race Report Part 1 (Roadrunner)

A huge explosion seen for hundreds of miles lit up the predawn sky on July 16th, 1945. The locals were told an ammunitions depot had exploded when in reality the first atomic device was detonated at the Trinity Site in the White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

50 Mile Race Training

“I’m...pretty tired...think I’ll go home now.” -Forest Gump

I’ve said those words frequently since I began training for the McDowell Mountain Frenzy 50 miler that I plan to run in December near Phoenix, AZ. I’ve been ramping up my mileage by doing back-to-back long runs on the weekends. I run 15-20 miles on Saturday and another 10-15 on Sunday. In addition, I run at least one very long run once a month.
A coyote that frequently yips at us.