
Monday, February 18, 2013

Is it Low T?

Are old men the only ones who watch the nightly news? Is it me or is every other commercial for some prescription medicine? Arthritis, hypertension, overactive bladder, ED,  low T. Seriously, low T? Is this a good idea? The way I see it, younger guys have more testosterone and older men less and that’s what keeps the universe in equilibrium. Let’s not go tipping the scale here. If you do decide to use low T gel make sure to read the fine print on the instructions, “Do not apply to any other parts of your body, such as flammable... let dry before smoking...etc.” Like I said before, is this a good idea?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sugarloaves’ Ultra Vista (S.U.V.) 60K Race Report

Sugarloaf: 1. refined sugar molded into a cone  2. A hill or mountain shaped like a sugarloaf Miriam Webster Dictionary

Sugarloaves’ Ultra Vista (S.U.V.): A crazy long desert foot race to a sugarloaf and back three times followed by a shorty loop. —Greg

The Sierra Vista Trail connects the Franklin Mountains (El Paso, TX) and the Organ Mountains (Las Cruces, NM) and passes through Vado, NM somewhere near the half way point. That is where my Sugarloaf adventure begins this morning on another beautiful weather day here in the Desert Southwest.