
Wednesday, November 27, 2013


What’s worse than DNFing? How about DNSing? Did Not Finish (DNF) a race is one thing; at least you tried. Did Not Start (DNS) is worse; you didn’t even make it to the starting line. Well that is what happened to me recently when I decided not to run the R.O.X. 50K in Vado, NM. If you read my last post, you will remember that I was whining about some lower ab/groin pain. Apparently I strained some abdominal muscles causing pain to flare up when I run long. 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

36 Miles Along The Rio Grande

With cooler Fall temps in the air, I decided to run from El Paso, TX to Old Mesilla, NM (Las Cruces) along the Rio Grande levee road, a distance of 36 flat miles. I left a little before dark and was going to take a picture of the trail lit only by my penlight when I discovered the camera battery was still in the charger plugged into the outlet at home. Since there was no reason to carry the camera all that way, I turned around and left it in the car. Was this going to be one of those days? A lot can happen on a seven hour run.