
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My Year in Review 2013

Training for and running seven ultramarathon trail races summarizes my 2013. Even though I didn’t finish one of them (San Diego 100), I ran the marathon distance (26 mi) or more at least once a month, every month until I suffered an injury in late October. unfortunately I had to scale back my mileage in the last part of this year to recover and get ready for some upcoming 2014 events. 

Franklin Mts El Paso, TX

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Go, Dog. Go!

"Dog. Big dog. Little dog. Big and little dogs. Black and white dogs"

Do you remember it? The Dr Seuss beginner book? Well, when our family gets together it is much like Go, Dog. Go! Every family member owns at least two dogs and some of us own more so I’m never alone when I run at the ranch. I don’t mind though; dogs are great training partners. I don’t have to listen to their political rantings or how great their new running shoes are. They never complain about their injured IT band or hamstring and not once have they shown me their lost toenail collection.