
Sunday, April 26, 2015

N. Franklin Peak X 2

Lately I’ve been making trips up N. Franklin Peak (7,192’) to get ready for the Jemez Mountain 50 Miler next month in Los Alamos, NM. Yesterday I ran for nine hours including two climbs up the mountain. Now, I could give you a blow-by-blow account of my run including how I gagged on chia seed gel at 4:15am or accidentally blew a snot rocket onto my shoulder at 10:35. I could talk about how I tripped over a rock and almost fell into a cactus six times or how I was so hungry after the seventh hour that I actually considered eating at an all-you-can-eat buffet when I finished. I could also brag about how bad-ass I am because I ascended the mountain twice in one morning albeit very slowly. So slow in fact, that I think your grandmother passed me on the way back down. No, instead of boring you with all the trite details, I figured I’d just show you some pictures of the day. 

See you on the trail.

The start at 4:00am

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Bataan Memorial Death March 2015

The Bataan Memorial Death March was extra special this year because my running buddy, Ryan returned to run it with old friends. We had a great time hanging out over the weekend and then met another friend of ours, Mike at the race. Run El Paso Club and Team RWB friends were also there so it turned out to be a great big party. Kind of like Woodstock, but without the sex, drugs and rock ’n roll.