
Thursday, December 29, 2016

My Year in Review 2016

2016 was another fine running year for me. I finished six ultramarathon trail races; three that I had never run before. In one race I ran the farthest and longest I had ever run in my life. I also had the opportunity to visit many lakes and several peaks near Santa Fe, NM and spent some time running in Palo Duro Canyon near Amarillo, TX.

Vermillion Flycatcher

Enjoy this slideshow of my favorite photos from 2016:

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Sunrise Sunset

Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly flow the days
Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers
Blossoming even as we gaze

Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears

—Sheldon Harnick (Fiddler on the Roof)

I set the lofty goal of seeing a sunrise and sunset from the Franklin Mountains, preferably from the top of North Franklin Peak (7192’), the highest in the range. Last month I wrote about training for the Lone Star 100 miler that will be held here in February and completed one 50K lap that will make up the course. This month I decided to run the 50K course with an additional trip up to the peak for a total of around 40 miles.