
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Good Running Week

This was a great week for running because the weather was gorgeous, the cacti and wildflowers were showing their colors, we had brilliant sunsets, and I bought a new pair of shoes. I enjoyed a wonderful sunset hike with my wife, Cara, and our “team of dogs”. I also ran and hiked to the top of N. Franklin Mountain with Lucy, Sierra, and Taz who had a great time tagging along.

When we arrived at the top, I observed something that I hadn’t noticed before. The antenna thingy on the mountain top had the letters T.U.S. and S. Co, Swissvale, PA. stamped on the metal base. Now, you may say “big deal”, but to me it brought back memories of spending summers with my grandparents, aunt and uncle who lived in this borough outside of Pittsburgh, Pa. I’m not sure what the T. stands for, but the other letters are for Union Switch and Signal Company who manufactured railroad signaling equipment down the road from my relatives.

Anyway, I couldn’t help taking a lot of pictures of all the blossoms I passed while running through the desert this week. My favorite is the claret cup cactus full of crimson blooms. I also tried out my new shoes yesterday which I like so far. They are a very special pair of shoes with a secret performance enhancing weapon that I will share in a later blog post. See you on the trail.

Lucy, Sierra, and Taz posing for a shot

Cara, our pack leader

Ocotillo Buds ready to bloom

Made in the U.S.A.

Claret Cup

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