
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Big Bend 25K Race Report

Something doesn’t feel quite right. The sun is up and I’m not running yet. I’m here at the start of another adventure --The Big Bend Ultra Run (Big Bend Nat. Park, TX). The 50K runners have already been running for almost an hour, but I had to downgrade from the 50K to the 25K because of some injuries. (See Injured!) I’ve only run four times in the past three weeks and one of my outings was quite painful. I have no idea what is going to happen today, but I’m going to try my best to finish this 15 mile trail race.

Madeleine, newest member of the crew

Thursday, January 6, 2011


INJURY UPDATE: (Jan 10, 2011) I've been walking almost every day and was able to successfully run today. I had a little bit of tenderness in my foot, but things seem to be improving each day. I’m working with the Big Bend Ultra Run staff to switch from the 50K to the 25K race that is being run this weekend. This seems like a sensible compromise so I can still run in the backcountry without further injuring myself. I feel confident that I can finish the 15 mile run.

(Jan 6, 2011)
My plantar fasciitis (PF) has improved, but I haven’t been able to run for almost two weeks. During Christmas weekend I went for a routine run out at the BR ranch and half way through my 6 miler, my foot started to hurt. I didn’t twist it or anything and was very perplexed, not to mention annoyed. When I was done, I had no idea what was going on so iced the top of my foot and rested for a day.