
Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Cloudcroft Ultra Trail Run 53K 2023

This summer, I ran several times in Cloudcroft, NM including the 53K trail race. The heat was unbearable in El Paso, TX this year, so I went up to the Sacramento Mountains in New Mexico to camp, train and relax in the Lincoln National Forest. The elevation is between 8-9 thousand feet and can be 40 degrees cooler than on the desert floor. 


I did a 25 mile training run in June on some parts of the race course which is mostly on the Rim trail. I combined the Rim trail and Westside Rd (Forest Rd 90) by descending Heart Attack Canyon (T235) and ascending Alamo Peak Trail (T109) to simulate the steep climb that I would experience on race day.

I finished the race in 9:54 this year, almost 30 minutes slower than last. This year was hot and sunny compared to years past and the ascent on Alamo Peak is very exposed to the sun. I struggled on the climb and had doubts about finishing, but finally made it to the top. After a few slices of watermelon, I was good to go and was able to make the last 13 miles back to town. 

If you want more info on this race read my post: Cloudcroft 2022 or: Cloudcroft 2021

Here are some pictures I took this summer while running, hiking and camping with the family.

View from Westside Rd

Horned lizard

Heart Attack Canyon Trail

"Horned toad"

Wild roses
Alamo Peak

Gnarly part of Alamo Peak Trail

Sleepy Grass Campground visitors

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